Thursday, July 06, 2006


Whoa..This is a new thought..
Maybe I should just change courses..I heard that I look cute in a skirt! Haha..(Psst..Gotta shave my legs first..don't want any shock and awe tactics..although it would increase business in whichever clinic or hospital I work in..haha..a sudden increase in patients with fainting spells..Bwahaha!)
*ponders away*

Then again, maybe not..haha..sorry to disappoint you N

Btw, this is in no way meant to offend the male nurses out there. I know for a fact that such an occupation exists, and male nurses DO NOT in fact wear skirts. Nor do they have to be gays, gayish, transexuals, cuckoo, or whatever. Ask Gay Focker. He's a male nurse. Or for a better representation, please refer to your nearest Health Ministry or local health centre.

PS. That's from Meet the Parents if you didn't get it.

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