Friday, October 12, 2007

Translation of Final Battle Report

Due to user demand, FBR has been finally translated.

"Red, swollen knuckles of both hands, with a slight tinge of pain.

Minor abrasions on knuckles and right elbow, as well as left leg.

Sore back of upper arms.

Sore back.

Feeling wonderful.

Treat and enjoy, as well as take certain measures to protect skin."


Basically a rundown of the after effects of boxing without gloves.

PS. If you're reading this yeowza, pain was mainly trunk muscle aches. Surprisingly. Although for that one night I did have this enormous hammerfist. =D


duckie said...

eh, brother... you taking up martial arts arh??

signius said...

hoho..i was at my fren's place punching and kicking his punching bag..oh dun worry i wasn't throwing a tantrum =p

just for fun..haha..i miss ninjutsu! :( heiya!

duckie said...

make your own sword la!, you know who. i think i know a (wooden) sword-maker from seremban too.

signius said...

hoho..too bad my bed us made of metal..n i don't tink my landlord would like 2 c his bed transforming into a chain-saw =p