Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What man?

Wicker man.
Depending on whether it's the 1973 or 2006 version, there's varying descriptions.
Since I did not watch the 1973 version, I can't comment on it.
But here's a description on wicker, taken from Read it, it's important.
Main Entry: wick·er
Pronunciation: 'wi-k&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English wiker, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish dialect vikker willow, Old Norse veikr weak -- more at WEAK
1 : a small pliant twig or branch (as of osier) : WITHE
2 a : WICKERWORK b : something made of wicker
- wicker adjective

And since I have watched the 2006 version, I can give a description of it.

Very simple description, one word is more than enough.


Yup. Man, the plot cannot really get any worse than that.
Come to think of it, Andrew sums it up nicely. "It's worse than SOAP. At least you knew that that was a lousy show, so you kind of enjoyed a lousy show. With this, you don't know whether to think of it as a good or lousy show, whether it was a horror or comedy show."
And N should have told us this intersting nugget of news: "The cashier asked us if we really wanted this show."
At least, at least the company was good. Ah..nothing like enduring through wicker man with good friends.

I'll miss you.

Have a safe trip..

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