Kod Pelukis Terkenal
I noe..it's not a real accurate translation..but u noe wat it is..
I don't really understand what d big hoo-ha is over it rite now..i mean it's a novel afterall..novel = work of FICTION..can't u read it on d cover? Lol..even d author says so! haha..
yea, some ppl mite say dat dis is like, so real! uh-huh..n it is also stated dat it is a book dat is based on well-researched evidence n stuff like dat..well..maybe it didn't sink in..it's fiction..it's d author's job 2 make d book as interesting and life-like as possible..u dun tink many authors survive well by churning out rubbish rite? haha..n his "evidence"? well..maybe v can go into some of those issues..
1st off..d apostles din agree dat jesus was divine..n dey regarded him as somebody like d rest of us..mere mortals..so dey tried 2 silence mary who was supposed 2 take over at d helm of d new church..dat's how she was "deported" 2 france where d descendents of jesus continued throughout d centuries..dis was further strengthened when d role of women were downplayed n d "female divine" was considered occultic later on..
ok..now dat mite sound a little convincing..until u go n read d bible..there are 4 gospels in d New Testament..these are d accounts of 4 apostles..Matthew, Mark, Luke and John..according 2 d book d apostles wanted 2 silence mary..so how come in d gospels dey glorified her? let's take a very nice example..u c, a long long time ago..haha..anw, in olden times, female Jews were relegated 2 pretty much d bottom of society..more so in terms of their views n such..so if d apostles wanted 2 discredit mary, how come in all their gospels it is written dat she is d 1st 1 2 c jesus resurrected? dis would b a very honorable position 2 b in..n how come dey believed her? all of these show dat wat is stated in d novel is reli jz dat..a fictional work of a creative mind..n yes..if dis shows dat u can believe d bible, den it is oso stated dat jesus wanted his disciples 2 lead on d new christians..not mary..i tink it goes something like "u r peter d rock, upon dis rock shall my church grow"..ok..mite not b exactly dat..but u get d meaning..btw peter was a disciple..
Secondly..d author alleges dat there was a mrs jesus..n d descendents of jesus live on 2day..
dat is real easy..haha..continuing from d point b4, if d bible is to b believed, den jz look thru d whole bible..u will NOT find any reference dat mary was married 2 jesus..in fact..there was no statement dat even remotely linked her 2 any man..ie, she was single..
Next, u mite b wonderin..can i reli trust d bible..seems dat d 1st few points r basing on d assumption dat d bible is reliable..after all, u read a novel dat said dat Constantine elevated jesus' status from man 2 god using the council of nicea n oso commisioning a fake bible after burning all copies of d original 1..
ok..let's get some fact straight..constantine was an emperor of rome..yes, he did call 4 d council where a few hundred bishops gathered 2 discuss somethings..he did order certain documents 2 b burned..but there's where fact and fiction separate..constantine, being a converted christian, set about legalising christianity..previously christians were martyred horribly just because they believed that Jesus was king of kings..including king of emperors and caesers of rome..So, wat Constantine did was 2 grant religious freedom like wat is ideally practiced 2day..right to choose and practice your religion of choice..n yes, he did ask 4 d council 2 b set up n 4 certain things 2 b debated..but d topic that dey were debating over was not whether jesus was god or man..dey were debating whether jesus was god or DEMI-GOD..his divinity was nvr challenged at all..besides..d famous symbologist from university said dat d vote was close..how close u ask? bout 300+ to 2 voting that jesus was GOD..wow..if dat's close every single election in the red dot on the map would b nail biting! as for the burned documents..those were writings deemed heretical..since it said dat jesus was not god but a demi-god..lol..
how does dis say dat d bible is true? well, there's a concept that to accept a document that accounts wat happened in the past, firstly it must be written by someone who witnessed it firsthand..and secondly, if there's no initial copy of the manuscipt, all the copies of the original must match to a large extent..say 90% and above? [of course not 100% lar..dun forget d ppl of yesteryear din haf d luxury of photostating machines..lol..n scribes were not 100% accurate..there would b slips in language use, grammar etc.] and of course the more copies the better..well..on these accounts the bible is really accurate..the copies that still exist were compared wif d Dead Sea scrolls which were discovered only nearly half a century ago..n found dat dey were at least 95% accurate! also, there were more than 300 copies of d old bible manuscripts on record..besides, these copies were written less than 100 yrs after Christ's death and resurrection..comapare that 2 gnostic texts..which were written at least 200 or 300 yrs after Christ's resurrection! btw, gnostic texts dat exist number only less than 10 instead of d number quoted by d symbologist..n d authors of those texts (eg gospel of thomas etc) were not d apostles (eg thomas din write d gospel of thomas)..dey were jz ppl tryin 2 gain credibility by usin d names of apostles..another intersting fact..established and accepted accounts written by famous ppl like julius caesar haf onli less than 50 copies each..so if u accept those texts that haf such low "credibility ratings" y not dat of d bible?
i'll jz tok bout another issue..there's seriously a whole lot of other things which u can find out 4 ur self..so i'll leave it as dat..d thing about secret societies n stuff..it is said dat d priory of scion defend and keep the secret of the alleged lineage of jesus..in fact d beginning of d novel describes how d leader of dis group is murdered..n later on how a famous painter is revealed as a previous grandmaster of dis group..ok, some very interesting facts..priory of scion was established in the 20th century by a frenchman 2 help ppl build homes..he did claim dat he was d descendent of jesus..but later on confessed b4 court dat it was jz a hoax..n dis confession was used in d novel as proof of d existance of d lineage of jesus..lol..obvious contradiction? also..the painter lived during the renaissance period..he would haf 2 b..i dunno..300 or 400 yrs old when he assumed the leadership of the priory..haha..that's a good one..
anw, d front cover urges us 2 "seek the truth"..it's good advice..watch d movie at all counts..read d novel..ask questions..but bear in mind..only accept wat u tink is correct, after eliminating "evidences" which obviously are flawed and based on hearsay or research so holey dat it could rival swiss cheese..
seek the truth
think for yourself
form your opinions
or blindly be misled
the choice is yours
seek the truth